Tuesday, November 30, 2010

The Chi Rho

the Chi Rho symbolizes the Christian religion. Even though that the Chi Rho was no the official cross; it kind of relay on the crucifixion of Jesus Christ. The Chi Rho basically is composed with the two Greek letters “X”= (Chi) and “P”= (Rho) meaning Christos. The monogram also showed another two Greek letter “A” meaning Alpha and the lower case letter “w” meaning the Omega. Finally we can see the symbolism in which Jesus is referring himself as the “Alpha and the Omega, the First and Last, Beginning and the End. The Christian philosophical belief was mostly acculturated from the Judaism. Similar to the Jewish the Christian have the same Commandments. However the Christian philosophical belief began with Jesus Christ. He was a Jew born during the reign of Roman Empire Augustus. Jesus belief is known for his theological reflection about the meaning of life and the significance of his deeds. In the Christian belief Jesus Christ is understood in the light of the Jewish prophetical traditions. He also preached about the coming of Gods kingdom, which would be a reign of justice and mercy and that Israel enemies would be overcome. However until that kingdom arrived, Jesus insisted on a life of repentance and an abandonment of early concerns; love of God and neighbors. Besides a compassion for the poor, downcast, and marginalized was a set of his life examples. Still his identification with the powerless antagonized his enemies. Most of his teachings are found in his parables and in the moral code. Finally, we can see that the Christian philosophy is base on this noble idealism of do good charities no matter what. He also believes that we should love our enemies like we love our friends. That if someone hit us in the face, we should turn our head. By this he is saying is that we have to forget the bad things that other people do to us. A big example of this is when he was crucified he was told his father G-d to forgive those who are screaming for him to be crucified. Another of his main beliefs was the ideal of equality. We can see this when he was baptizing by one of his younger cousin and when he cleans his disciples foots. Even though he was the chosen one or the messiahs, he was showing that we are all equality. Yet the Christians change the Idea of heaven and Hell from the Jews. For the Christian the idea of hell was more of a place, where people would go after they die in order to pay for their sins and they will be there for eternity.

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