Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Salomom's Temple

the Salomon’s Temple was the first of its kind and it build around the nine hundred and sixty B.C.E. by the king Salomon. The Salomon’s temple holds the Arc of the Covenant inside. This Arc basically contains inside the rock with the first ten commandments of the Judaism, which were brought down from a mount of Sinai by Moses. Therefore we can say that this Temple belongs to the Jewish religion. Most of their religion is stand on their philosophical beliefs which are base on the Ten Commandments. These Commandments are the following: Number one is to Belief in G-d, meaning that “there is only one G-d and accepting that he is your G-d”. The second one is Prohibition of Improper Worship which means that “you shall not have other G-ds”. Number three is Prohibitions of Oath which means that “you shall not take the name of G-d in vain”. Number Four is Observance of Sacred Times which means to remember the “Sabbath day”. Number Five is Respect for the Parents and teachers which means to “honor them”. Number six is the Prohibition of Physically Harming a Person which means that “you shall not murder”. Number seven is the Prohibition of Sexual Immorality which means that “you shall not commit adultery”. Number eight is Prohibitions of Theft which means that “you shall not steal”. Number Nine is Prohibition of Harming a person through speech meaning that “you shall not bear false witness against your neighbor. Finally number ten was Prohibition of Coveting which means that “you shall not covet your neighbor’s house.

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